AMEL - The African Middle Eastern Leadership Project

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Apply Now to the AMEL Institute

Applications are now open for the AMEL Institute!

The AMEL Institute is an innovative online training academy for young human rights and civil society activists (aged 18-35) from across Africa and the Middle East. The Summer 2021 program will begin in late June and conclude in early August and will be taught by experienced activists, seasoned practitioners, and select experts from renowned institutions, such as Harvard and Stanford. Through online lectures, interactive discussions and various assignments, activists will build knowledge and skills in 6 topic areas:

  • human rights, including history and advocacy;

  • activism self-care and safety, including digital security;

  • genocide history and prevention, including Holocaust education;

  • conflict transformation and non-violent movement building;

  • democratic development and transitions, including civic engagement; and

  • leveraging new media and communication tools/strategies to advance activism.

Throughout the program, participants will engage in cross-cultural communication and build allyship and critical networks with activists across the Middle East & Africa. The program will be spread across 6 weeks with new video lessons posted each week for participants to watch at their convenience in preparation for online discussions and assignments. The program will bring together young leaders from all over Africa and the Middle East, using English as the common language, but some translations and assistance will be available in languages such as Arabic and French.

Apply now and spread the word to activists, organizers and young leaders across the Middle East and Africa!