AMEL - The African Middle Eastern Leadership Project

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Apply Now to the AMEL Institute

Applications are now open for the AMEL Institute pilot program!

The AMEL Institute is a fully online academy that will provide training to local activists (18-35 years old) all over the Middle East and Africa (MEA). The goal of the Institute is to empower young people who are taking action to address human rights violations, inequalities, injustices, discrimination, conflicts or other issues affecting their communities in the MEA region. AMEL aims to help make these efforts more effective and sustainable by providing practical knowledge, skills and networks to the activists who are leading them.

In preparation for the launch of the full Institute, a pilot program will be held starting in January 2019 for a select group of activists who will study human rights, activism safety, and genocide/Holocaust education and prevention. The online training will feature leading activists as well as resources from renowned institutions and universities. To learn more and apply, click here.